Vidalia's reads

Coming back to this...
Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) - Joanna Wylde Reaper's Property is good. Almost Kristen-Ashley-Good. Alpha male, girl who's a little kickass but also quite a bit of trouble, and some danger. This is worth the read.

I will say, the only thing I didn't care for were some of the sex scenes, which is why this book did not get all five of my stars. Most of them were hot, but... SO much buttsex. Why? Why was there SO. MUCH. BUTTSEX?! I'm not into it. Nor am I into all of the exhibitionism, orgy style sex they witnessed (the main characters were not participating, FYI). None of that's for me, but the characters seemed to enjoy themselves and the author even seemed to have a little bit of an anti-judgement agenda.
My Wicked Valentine - Ann Mayburn DNF at 20%. Just couldn't deal with how immature the heroine is...esp for someone who's trying to run her own business.
Dark Awakening - Kendra Leigh Castle DNF at 29%. Snooooooze!
Dangerous Cravings - Evangeline Anderson Loved it!
Four: The Transfer: A Divergent Story - Veronica Roth Veronica Roth is just such an excellent story teller. The Transfer does not disappoint!
Blood Passage (Blood Destiny #2) - Connie Suttle I don't understand Lissa. Actually, there are quite a few things about her that I don't understand:

Why do all the men want her?
And why can't she be a decent human being and just pick one? She's engaged to Gavin. Why is she acting as though she's available? Which leads me to...
Why does she sleep with Gavin if she doesn't actually like him?
Why does she call everyone "honey"?
Why is she always getting naked against her will?
Why is she a doormat?

Why, Lissa?! Sigh...I'm not even sad that she attempts to kill herself at the end.

Unfortunately, I won't be getting answers. I had really high hopes for her as a character but she's just getting progressively more annoying. She needs a backbone and some purpose instead of just dealing with (& whining about) things that happen to her.
Here Be Sexist Vampires (Deep In Your Veins, #1) - Suzanne  Wright Here be my short rant: Giggling! Roll-call descriptions of EVERY character! "Stamping" on the ground! Poor grammar!

Basically, everything about reading that makes me sad. The writing is incredibly juvenile, the heroine is obnoxious, and the other characters are either weak-willed men or bitchy women. Seriously disappointed by this one.
Duncan (Vampires in America, #5) - D.B. Reynolds Ho-hum. The last couple of books in this series have not been great and Duncan is probably the disappointing end of the line for me. I've had about all I can take of annoying heroines and gratuitous sex.

But mostly, I feel like this series is disjointed. It's almost as though it was supposed to end after book 2 but Reynolds decided to keep going. I think this could have worked out really well if Cyn and Raphael were kept as the focal point of the series with other characters flowing in and out as the plot developed, but as you probably know, that's not how it went down. I'm also a bit disappointed but not surprised that we're just now learning about Raphael's plans to rule the continent, unless I just missed it in a previous book. It's in line with my assumption that the series wasn't fleshed out past the first 2 books.

Anyway, while Rajmund was good, Sophia's love story would have been better as a novella since most of the plot ended up swinging back to Cyn and Raphael anyway. Duncan, formerly one of my favorite characters, was just disappointing and this book actually made me like him less than I did in the previous books.

This series had a lot of potential but it's just not working for me anymore!

Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep 2.5 stars.

I'm picky about my PNR so this was a rough one for me. I wanted to like it. I like badass-assassin bitches! Girl power and all that. But, all's said and done, I just find Gin annoying. *le sigh* It had potential.

1 - I really prefer to experience what's happening in a book as opposed to being told what's happening in a book.
2 - Repetitive inner monologue. It was like all of her thoughts were on the loop from hell and I was stuck in there with her. You know. You know that friend you have who still bitches about the boyfriend she broke up with 3 years was like that.
3 - Dialogue was cheeeeeesy. Was Finn a wiseguy? He sure sounded like one. :-/
Brie's First Day of Submissive Training (Brie, #1) - Red Phoenix This book read like a bored housewife's fantasy to me. Maybe the other parts are better, but I won't be reading them.

The major problem for me - this is supposed to be submissive training, yes? They don't actually teach anything you can't read on the internet. The girls show up (apparently, only women are submissive), they talk about different levels of submission and then they're instructed to have sex with total strangers, WITHOUT A SAFEWORD, in exercises that are designed to push their boundaries. This is supposed to weed out the "wannabe submissives?" Fucking Christ! I have a hard time any reasonably sane person would stick around after that. Sure, push some boundaries, open horizons, but only with people you trust. And only if they're wearing a condom! Suffice it to say, completely irresponsible. I understand that there's a certain amount of fantasy associated with books in this genre, but other authors (Cherise Sinclair, Kallypso Masters, Lexi Blake, Joey Hill) have proven you can have both fantasy and responsible, kinky sex.
Greed (The Seven Deadly, #2) - Fisher Amelie This cover is weird but I'm still pretty stoked to read Spencer's story. Woohoo!
Biting Bad - Chloe Neill Once again, Chloe Neill does not disappoint!

One of the things I love most about this series and the way Neill structures the books is Ethan and Merit's relationship. It's great that Merit's free to be a BAB (Badass Bitch) and still have an Alpha male boyfriend, AND that the relationship storyline is complementary to the book rather than the purpose of the book.

Loved it, can't wait for more! And the entire fandom can release a collective sigh because we did not have to survive another book-4-ending.
Knight's Mistress - C.C. Gibbs Trying too hard to be Fifty Shades. Unfortunately, the characters have no chemistry and there's no plot. The beginning and the end were promising, but they were just bookends for all the sex. Seriously, if they weren't having sex, they were talking about having sex, or on their way to have sex or thinking about sex. Yawn!
Beneath This Man (This Man, #2) - Jodi Ellen Malpas I hate this book for all of the reasons everyone else does. Ava is a textbook co-dependent idiot (I'm not saying all co-dependents are idiots, just Ava :) ), Jesse is a secretive and manipulative jerk. Also, this is not a BDSM book. Yes, he owns a sex club, but there is no BDSM here. BUT you will find plenty of judgment! Unless you count the whippings both Jesse and Ava receive, and Ava's terrorizing narration of the communal room. Seriously? Give me a break. The author obviously has no experience in that lifestyle, nor has she done her research. Reading such ignorance was utterly appalling.

All around, I'm pretty disgusted.
Once Burned - Jeaniene Frost 4.5 for me! Not a cliffhanger, thank God, but the ending definitely has me looking forward to reading Twice Tempted.
Allure - Nina Lane Cliffhanger'd AGAIN! Killing me, man! At least I only have to wait a few months...

Currently reading

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